Meeting Logistics

Roma Hall, 4th floor: Community-based vector control pre-simposia on Wednesday 20th.

8 Buses for the participants of the 3 day meeting from the front of Hotel Riu to the Miraflores Lock for the Pandengue Net meeting inauguration:

Riu-Miraflores:  leaving first 4:30 pm, last 5:15 pm

Miraflores-Riu: leaving first 9:30 pm, last 10:15 pm

PanDengue Net meeting from April 21st to 23rd :
Most of the rooms for the main meeting will be located in the 2nd floor:
Barcelona 1,2,3,4 and 5 Hall: Main auditorium
Berlín Hall: Poster room
Amsterdan Hall: Invited Speakers room
Londres Hall: Organising Committee room

Some specific events will be held in the 4th floor:
Roma Hall on Thursday 21st at 12pm: The Special Lunch Experts/Young Investigators

We hope you will enjoy the meeting and Panama without problems, however it is safer to travel with medical insurance.

Some of the Hotel Riu staff has been trained for first aid and the hotel has a Medical doctor on call.

If there is an emergency or you hospital care, you could go to Paitilla Hospital (private hospital close to the hotel) or Santo Tomas Hospital (public hospital).



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