The Pan American Dengue Research Network (Pan-Dengue Net) is a self-organized group established for the purpose of managing, organizing, and advancing a scientific conference series on dengue to create opportunities for scientific exchange between academia, government and industry in the Americas. Pan-Dengue net emerged as a continuation of pediatric Dengue Vaccine initiative efforts to hold multidisciplinary meeting in the american regions. These bi-annual meeting have taken place in Recife, Brazil (2008) and Cancun, Mexico (2010). After its inception Pan-Dengue-Net has managed two meetings the 2012 meeting in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia and 2014 meeting in Belem, Brazil.
The participation in these conferences has progressively increased (250-300 participants). Due to the success of this meeting series, the Pan-American Research Network has been incorporated as a non-profit corporation. It is formed of a chair person, who will change every two years according to the location of the conference, a secretariat, an organizing committee and a scientific committee. this group will gather resources and support for the conferences, manage the outreach , invitation and abstract submission/acceptance, and review the scientific content of the presentations.